So on yesterday, I went to the Primary Care Doctor to see a specialist to finally get blood drawn and so many curve balls were thrown at me all at once. I spoke with the same lovely receptionist that I talked to on the phone, before going to the back room. She really helped me out a lot by setting this appointment up because my work schedule was conflicting with the times that most business hours are usually open. She was definitely relating to me on a personable level that made me feel so comfortable and at ease versus my first specialist doctor's office. She was calling me, "Sweetie, "Honey," "My Friend" and said, I know it was a couple of weeks that we spoke because I was off or on vacation, but I was going to make sure you get an appointment set up. She politely asked me to sit down and wait until someone come and get me. About 5 minutes later, I was lead to the backroom of the office.
The medical assistant was another lady she checked my vital signs: My BP was 129/80, HT 5'8, WT 125lbs Temperature 98.8 degrees Heart Rate 88/min. Everything was pretty good, I lost 5 pounds from last month and a total of 10 pounds altogether. I'm at my high school weight right now, My normal average weight is between 135 to the 140's, but I don't look sickly or anything. I tell you one thing I'm always hungry so my appetite so far seems fine as well. My physique is pretty much similar to Dr. Sebi he was just taller than I. My heart rate has never been in the 80's it was always fast like 100 or above. Which is not good because that is Tachycardia and can lead to hypertension and all sorts of heart disease. It has to be the herbs/diet that are keeping me so calm because even when I was HIV negative that never happened.
After seeing the medical assistant, I went into another room, the curve ball was thrown at me with this one because unlike the first specialist at the first doctor's office that I was waiting to see. With this one, instead a Peer Specialist came in the room before the actual specialist. Whoaaaa!! As I said in my earlier posts, I am really opposed to seeing a shrink, counselor, psychiatrist or whoever because they are pretty much programmed and complacent with living with this disease. She introduce me her name and said She is HIV positive and was living with it for 15 years. I thought to myself damnn what's up with these professionals and this 15 years the other guy at the HIV testing site told me the same thing and in both cases not to be funny they look BAD! You can just tell with HIV medicine it's suppressing the virus but doing something else. For whoever, that do decide to take the HIV meds that don't feel at ease, I would look at doing it for a short-term versus long-term to use it as a leverage to eradicate some of the virus and get off it only when you feel the need to.
It was scary, This lady was a black lady and she had on a cake load of Make-up looking like a clown.
She looked like she was in her late 40's or 50's I don't really know. She said that both of her sisters contracted the virus through drug use and she contracted the virus by her lover of 4 years damnnn! I asked her did he give it to you on purpose? Since she told me he said something about he not getting any stupid STD tests (Back then they didn't have HIV Rapid Tests). Although he never went to get tested, she did and she came back positive and he basically confessed afterwards. So yeah he gave it to her on purpose that made me real SAD... She sounded like she was basically justifying what he did to her because she mentioned she could have used condoms, I told her YES that's true however, at the end of the day you both were in a 4 year relationship, there was really no need to think about using a condom not unless there wasn't some truth in her story. She may have had a rendezvous or hookup who knows.
Then, she was trying to feel me out by asking what lead me to get tested. I told the usual story, I wasn't feeling well got sick that one time with Diarrhea and vomiting and after that was just Chronic Headaches. I kept my guards up, I never told her or went into details on how I contracted it. She did ask if I was dating and the last time I had sex? I said towards July and I said I've never really dated mostly been a loner all my life and I don't think I ever will now. Maybe it's meant for me to be SINGLE. I think I'm too kind and nice for this WICKED world that's why I try to stay isolated. I always try to see the good in people giving them second chances. My personality is somewhat similar to MICHAEL JACKSON. People will take advantage including family asking me for money and etc. I'm just fed up! I was trying to pick with her brain, by asked her do you think there will ever be a CURE? She paused and said just think of a SPIRITUAL CURE each time you pop those prescription meds in your mouth think of holding on until there is one. She even went as far as to say whoever created the prescription meds to suppress the virus were basically geniuses by creating these different formulas in it. She was 100% right whoever formulated these different formulas to suppress the virus are Geniuses in the Western Medicine world, however, it is Dr. Sebi and The Father of Medicine Hippocrates that are the ULTIMATE Geniuses! She said we may not be around when the cure does happens. And I just looked and analyzed her and she left and gave me her business card.
The specialist a black girl, I believe came in the room. I'm not sure my main focus was trying to phish and find out when will I receive my results either by phone or creating a health portal to access my medical records. She was asking me basic questions and going over what to expect with viral load and CD4. This facility is not playing any games, She gave me some HIV magazines to take home to read. She check my lymph nodes and abdomen to see if it was swollen or if I had pain. She said expect probably my next appointment (6 Weeks) to do a Chest X-ray and even a rectal examine and the whole nine yards. I asked why the Chest X-ray I think she wants to see if I'm at risk of getting pnemonia. I was like WOW!! They are so much more thorough compared to my first specialist. She said we want to give you a Pneumococcal Vaccination. I told her I don't really believe in getting vaccinations too much. I didn't even want to get the flu shot a couple of months ago, but I had to because it was a requirement for my job at the hospital. I have never in my life caught the FLU.
So after about 15 minutes, I agreed to get the pneumonia shot hypothetically speaking if worst case scenario, which I won't allow that to happen. If my CD4 cells were to fall below 100 my body would develop some immunity to prevent me from getting pneumonia. The shot is a series of two. I think I have to get the other one within one or two months. I told her, I'm not getting any other vaccinations that you guys offer. She asked if I have any questions. I asked about the medications. I acted like I was concerned about it. She was showing me a list of the different medications to choose from in the future. I mentioned what if my insurance don't cover one of these medications. She said don't worry about that we have the covered with no issues. So, although I'm not trying to go back to taking that prescription, If I had to use common sense, I would most likely choose a different medicine from Stribild because my body probably developed resistance that the first specialist prescribed to be since I stopped taking it.
Overall, this primary facility have so many resources. They have an In-House Lab, Pharmacy, Dietitian, Counselor, etc. I find the In-House Lab to be significant because I believe they do the testing of the actual labs there at the facility which means it shouldn't take to long for my results. ALSO, I didn't even have to make a co-payment or any payments at all as of right now!
So, I went to the Phlebotomist and she drew my blood. I noticed that every single person that I mostly saw yesterday at the facility were mostly women, which I think is a good thing. Why? because I've mentioned before that the majority of women are more nurturing compared to men. It's somewhat innate, most of them are concerned and try to relate to patients as if it's their Child or Children by talking or making conversation. My 1st Specialist which was a man just did his job (which he did a good job) and kept the shit moving. This explains why Dr. Sebi have women as his consultants when we call to place an order and why he always referenced that black woman in the Jungles of AFRICA it all makes SENSE!
I'm Susan, I'm from Florida United States.
ReplyDeleteI dedicated this to my Beloved Daughter Kaila who helped me get the cure for my CANCER. And Specially to Dr. Odey Abang the Herbalist directly for his interest to handle my situation even when I was told I could not be cured. It's a long story to court and pains being of such a Danger of CANCER, for 4months Glory be to God🤦
It was Cancer Stage 4, and ended up, though I had serious problems with my feet, inability to take in solid food or medicals for my cures. Has God directed my daughter not knowing he had cured her from HERPES of which I never thought he could cured for CANCER, You need to be free and not die of IGNORANCE. HERBAL MEDICINE from a reliable Herbalist stans to be the best remedies for cures. I had known Dr. Odey Abang over 3 years now on he's cures for Herpes Simplex Viruse and HIV/AIDS.
I could testify to you now that he had successfully cures HIV/AIDS, Diabetes HPV HSV Cancer and much more of all infections and bacteria diseases
Contact him and desist from those Virus
Always and every time I appreciate and recommend Dr Odey Abang for his good work in saving lives.
His email address directed
Feel blessed and happy day's 😇😇😇