Thursday, June 29, 2017


Image result for day 87

Dr. Sebi Wife herbs

Oregano Oil 3x (James Destroy Diseases)
Olive Leaf Extract

Sarsaparilla, Guaco, Concansa tea

Oregano Oil 3x (James Destroy Diseases)

Today, I went to my doctors appointment at 4:00 P.M., but I arrived 30 minutes early to make sure everything was taken care of pertaining to my Health Insurance. Everything was copacetic and I didn't have to pay a co-pay so that was great. I waited for about 5-10 minutes and the medical assistant called me in the back to take my vital signs. My body temperature was pretty great 98.5 degrees and my blood pressure was perfect as well. My body weight was 129. After leaving the Medical Assistant, I went and saw Specialist#2. She gave me a surprise that I was not expecting or forgot about since I last went there the beginning of March. She did a throat swab to check to see if I have HPV and I also had to do a rectal swab to check for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. I was given 4 cotton swab that I had to twist in my rectum 5 times and the last cotton swab the Specialist twisted in my rectum 5 times herself, when I tell you she was so rough that crap hurt! She asked me how is taking the Genvoya coming along? I lied and said everything is coming along fine.

I also was given the second series of the Gardasil vaccine shot in my arm to protect me from HPV and cancer related diseases. I'll have to wait for those results, which they'll most likely call me if something abnormal shows up. I just hope I don't have any of these extra viruses and stuff or hearing about my results coming back as indeterminate or having False-Positive tests like the past. In 3 months is the next time that I go back to specialist#2 October 2nd to get one more series of the Gardasil vaccine, and of course the phlebotomist drew my blood at the end to test for my viral load which that probably want be ready in another week or so. I'll most likely schedule a doctors appointment with Specialist#1 the latter part of August hopefully by then I'll be cured!

A few of my readers have been commenting lately and telling me to be cautious of what I put out on my blog and I am taking heed to what everyone is saying because if you were to meet me in person I am extremely private and I do it so well. I am contemplating if I should take a break from writing for awhile, and just come back and post my lab results from this doctors visit from Specialist#2 and in August post my lab results with Specialist#1, After all. I have put out some valuable information that goes into details about things on my blog. I don't know, I'm not sure what I should do yet. Regardless, of what happens my healing journey will not end, I will still continue with or without writing on my blog.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day#86 (Reflections!)

Image result for day 86

Dr. Sebi Wife herbs (International Healing)

Oregano Oil 3x (James Destroy Diseases)
Olive Leaf Extract

Breakfast: Apples and Spring Water

Lunch: Avocado

Dinner: Strawberries and Blueberries

Oregano Oil 3x (James Destroy Diseases)

Today was a pretty great day at work, a few days ago was two of my coworkers birthdays. One was the 25th of June the other was the 26th of June. So on some down time, another coworker and I rode to the grocery store Publix to pick up a birthday cake and birthday cards. When we got back, we went to the conference room which was like 6 of us including the lab chief and give them their birthday card and cake. I sung them a little solo of the "Happy Birthday" song and they were excited and said, "oh you sound so good," I said thanks. Afterwards, all we did was talk for a little over an hour and went back to the lab and at that point it was almost time to go home.

I was a little sleep deprived today at work because my best friend from college called me a little late last night and we stayed on the phone for about 2 hours. I only got about 5 hours of sleep. The whole time, we were reminiscing about old times when we were in college and started talking about how people was trying and did get over and took advantage. She was telling me that people had these expectations as far as the role that we were supposedly suppose to play as far as showing them pity when they had their problems whether it was relationship issues, death in the family, or just giving them valuable advice as a whole. I told her you're right not to be funny, but these people gave us their ass to kiss, they just weren't humble. They hitting me up a few weeks ago talking about their father passed away 3 months ago.

I know it sounds relentless, but what the hell do you want me to do we are in complete different states now. I have done so much shit for ungrateful ass people in college as far as riding them off campus to get something to eat from Fast Food Restaurants, when the cafeteria closed and when they didn't have a vehicle at the time, taking people to the grocery store to use their food stamps, and so many other stuff free of charge at times, that I can't even count on my fingertips!

Now, they're suffering the consequences and have a lot of baggage in their life and blowing up my phone and my friend's and hitting us up on Facebook. We both said enough is enough, with those people back from college we've been a listening ear to peoples problems and showing them pity. These people or so called friends which turned out to be associates that we thought had our best interest at heart turned out to be the complete opposite. These people knew that my college best friend she and I both lost our mothers at a young age and we went through all that adversity and bullshit with jealousy, people talking behind our back, and so many other things. But yet, know one didn't show us any pity or wanted to listen to any of our problems and you going to hit me up and send me a text message a few weeks ago and tell me that your father passed away 3 months ago...I'm like are you serious?

And the thing that kills me is that you pledged in an organization in college 15-20 line deep and out of all your line brothers and sisters you came out and pledged with you mean to tell me, No one on that line (which I'm pretty sure he probably didn't really tell anyone) you couldn't expressed that bad news to, but hit me up like around 9 pm at night? What was really your purpose of joining that organization if you're not going to network, connect and build a relationship with your line brothers and sisters? Oh I get it just to look cool and popular because everyone else was doing it SMH.

At this time, I have way too much on my plate to be dealing with some of the people back from college and even some family members of the things that they need to learn to cope and deal with themselves and stop being so damn dependent! I'm so Immune to bad news it's not even funny at this point I have zero expectations. As far as showing emotions, I believe something is seriously wrong with me it's very hard for me to cry because I've been through so much in life and I think that's one of the reasons why people be telling me these bad news and thinking I'm so strong! When I was in that near fatal car accident on Christmas Day in 2015, when someone hit and run and as I was in that car that flipped 5 times at an 85 mile speed the distance of a Football Field... All I could think about as the car kept tumbling was when it was going to stop.

When the car stopped flipping, I crawled out of the upside down car immediately, I had a Fight-or-Flight response because I have seen so many movies where the cars engulfed in flames which it was, but it didn't explode and we nearly missed a light pole and was near some barb wires. Witnesses that was on the interstate seen the car flipped, however, no one didn't see that person that hit and ran. Everyone was stunned to see that my sister and I made it out with just scratches, cuts, bruises, and a blood shot eye no broken bones. They thought we were dead because the car was completely mingled to the point the muffler came off the car. And although I never mentioned anything about my near fatal car accident on Facebook, although I have pictures in my phone to this day, that I never posted some of my family members knew and news travel. Even after that car accident I didn't Cry, and Even after I found out I contracted this "Spell of a Disease" I didn't Cry!

But yet, I'm pretty sure that news got back to those same people that I did so many stuff for from college and no one didn't call my phone to offer any sympathy or better yet messaged me on Facebook. What the HELL is the purpose of having 617 friends on Facebook?? Like really, but you go message my brother on Facebook in place of messaging me like he was the one in the got damn accident. SMH  I'm telling you people's mentality and logic these days are so FUCKED up!

Towards the end of the conversation with my best friend and I she was just giving me motivational quotes from Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, and Pastor T.D. Jakes. Some of them were some great quotes and others were a little bit Cheesy to me that she was reading from Oprah. All I did was just listened, and started dozing off to sleep and we hung up.

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day#85 (Who would've Known?!)

Image result for day 85

Dr. Sebi Wife herbs (International Healing)

Oregano Oil 3x (James Destroy Diseases)
Olive Leaf Extract

Sarsaparilla, Guaco, and Concansa tea

Breakfast: Apples

Lunch: Apples and Mangoes

Dr. Sebi Bromide Plus Powder/Lily of the Valley, with Strawberries, Bananas, and blueberries smoothie

Dinner: Strawberry banana smoothie

Back around December 2001, I remember when my mom's first cousin on her dad's side of the family (which they were the same age) which is my second cousin was real sick to the point where multiple close family members and friends came and gathered at the emergency room. We didn't have a clue what the hell was going on even her own mother had no idea either which is sort of expected because she was known what you call the "Silent Generation" which are those born from 1925-1945, so therefore, majority of people around that time don't have any sense of knowledge or understanding when it comes to different disease and ailments that doctors talk about. We were at the emergency room for 4-5 hours and doctors came and announced to the family she has "PNEUMONIA"

Image result for emergency room waiting

The doctor never announced to the family she had "FULL BLOWN AIDS" all they said was Pneumonia. My second cousin, which was my late mom's age was living with HIV/AIDS for 10+years ever since the 1980's, but no one knew. I did remember her skin on her face was always bad looking when we used to go over to her house which she was living with her mom (my grand aunt) and my sister and I would always play Sonic on her computer. Her son was born in 1986 and he died from complications of AIDS/HIV in 1992. It was said that her boyfriend I don't know if he was gay or straight gave it to her and her son. My mom was a little old school you know part of the "Baby Boom Generation" born from 1946-1964. So she knew the exact ailment that her cousin had when the doctors said "PNEUMONIA" because that's the last stages when you have FULL BLOWN AIDS. So you know me, I was always inquisitive, I asked her what did the doctor say let me call her "Susie" had?

My mom paused for a second and said "Susie" and she spelled it out (she didn't want to say it and never said it) has A.I.D.S. I covered my mouth although I didn't understand what that was I knew it was something bad because I would always hear people talk about it on TV relating to the ex NBA basketball player Magic Johnson. Which that's another topic in itself that I want to talk about I just have so many guys! And my mom said the doctors said that it was nothing that they could do. In June 2002, as summer was approaching, I remember visiting her at the house in her last days and my poor grand aunt didn't know what to do and I saw my cousin DYING each DAYYY, AIDS was taking its course and eating up her body! This is frightening! I'll NEVER forget! Her whole body was shaking uncontrollably in the bed like she was possessed and having body convulsions.

A couple of weeks later, my cousin Susie passed away exactly 10 years later after her son died. At that time, 10 years was the life expectancy, when diagnosed with HIV/AIDS even with medication. Oh gosh years passed and I would always go visit my grand aunt because they stayed right up the road from my house I always believed in visiting the elderly and sick and she would always talk about how her daughter never told her she had HIV/AIDS and she could never figure out why her grandson used to cry a lot back in the 1980's. I know why because of the complications of "This Spell of a Disease" that he was suffering. She was suffering from Alzheimer's so she would remember a lot of old time stuff and I used to complete her sentences because I already knew what she was about to say. One time, she came to me when I got off the school bus and ask am I from around here and you're a handsome fellow. "I told her yes" So that really made me sad to know that she didn't remember who I was because of Alzheimer's disease she died in 2015.

On yesterday, when I came home from work, as I was posting my comment on Queen Selah's blog my sister came in my room and told me some bombshell news that our mom's friend, but we consider her as an Aunt from back home and this is what my sister said, "She said guess what?" I said what. Let's call my mom's friend "Mary" She said, "Aunt Mary" has HIV. I said WHATTT!! You have got to be kidding me. She said our aunt told my first cousin and my first cousin told her and now she's telling me. She has this Rare skin disease called Lamellar Ichthyosis which she was suffering from all her life, but I never knew what it was. I found out on my own because I watched the discovery health channel a few years ago and was able to diagnose her condition. Her skin looks just like this
It is a rare skin disorder that appears at birth and remains with suffers for the rest of their lives

Not to be funny, but this disease makes her look grotesque and her skin peels all over the place because it itches and it's flaky. Now, I'm in disbelief, she is like in her mid 60's she was a very devoted Christian women she, and my late mom both would have bible study and everything together talking about the Lord 24/7.  Who would've known? My sister said she was told she had HIV for about 4 years and the guy that she was messing around with may have been gay or bisexual! I said WHATTT again this was just too much. I said who was fucking Aunt Mary?!? See this the SHIT I'm talking about if you are going to be "gay" be gay not be bisexual and "playing both sides of the Fence" (messing with men and women) and then if you bisexual put a Muthafukin condom on and stop spreading diseases. I mean people are literally sick passing around this SHIT like it's the "COMMON COLD" which I have not had in 4 years since 2013. They know they have it because I don't care what anyone says there are always signs, but people just disregard those signs and don't give a damn and just a squirrel chasing after a damn "NUTT!" People are just NASTY!

Image result for squirrel chasing a nut
I said this man took advantage, why? because she was mostly lonely with this disease all her life never had children, never really been with a man for her to allegedly (I'm not sure yet) get this disease at that age in her 60's??? I'm telling you being lonely and isolated sometimes can definitely be a blessing and a curse because you get so lonely you look for intimacy or you yearn for that person's attention you think that loves you in all the wrong places! My mouth drop because I don't know if it's because after my mom passed, then my aunt which is my mother's sister passed away a few years ago is why she felt lonely. I just see that it appears people will definitely take advantage of you if you're lonely or an introvert!

I'm just tired of receiving depressing news I mean blows after blows!