Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Still Pushing
So far, I'm doing so much better with being pretty consistent with following the Nutritional Guide and taking Dr. Sebi's herb. The only thing I had today was Quinoa, Bell Peppers, Onions, Basil, and Sea Salt cooked in Grapeseed oil. I'm trying to eat as much vegetables this time around because it's just as equally important than fruits. Especially, Green leafy vegetables filled with Chlorophyll to help kill this virus. For lunch at work I had a Red Pear and two Avocados and was pretty full until I got off. I cooked a "Dirty Quinoa" meal I call it again before going to bed.
Sunday, I went to the Farmers Market and bought Garbanzo Flour, I started to buy the beans, but I'll get it next time. I cooked pancakes using Garbanzo Flour with Blue Agave. I'm trying to buy a waffle maker because I think that I'll enjoy it in waffle form better than cooking it on the skillet. With the pancakes, I fried some Oyster Mushrooms using Grapeseed Oil, Coconut Flour, Garbanzo Flour, Cayenne Pepper, and some basil, It tasted pretty good, much better than how I cooked it the very first time.
Today, I rescheduled my doctors appointment that was Jan 31st at 4:00pm to Wednesday at 9:00Am because at the time when I scheduled it I was working first shift. Now, I work second shift so it would be feasible for me to do an early morning appointment. All they are going to talk about is what treatment of medicine they are going to put me on. I'm still debating on if I'm going to take the prescription. Sometimes I do wonder if I had stayed on it would I have already been cured taking those two big packages I DON'T KNOW. because I have never heard of a viral load going from 95,000 to 40 copies in just one month when I was taking the prescription/Dr. Sebi's big Therepeutic Package my CD4 jumped up tremendously from 392 to 525. Usually peoples CD4 don't jump up that high. So I'm still thinking.........
Tomorrow, I am going to get back on it with making my smoothies again, in my Nutribullet. I still have tons of my Bromide Plus powder/Lilly of the Valley powders left from my previous packages. Those smoothies play a big part in reversing this disease as well because it's in liquid form, therefore, it absorbs in the bloodstream much quicker. I am going to combine like always Bananas, Kale, Mangoes, and Bromide Plus Powder/Lilly of the Valley. Probably with a touch of Agave to give it a little taste so it wouldn't taste bland. And I am going to snack on some Romaine Lettuce in between. I have to still stay strong.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Alkaline Cooking
So far so good! I've been pretty consistent with the nutritional guide a little over a week! I'm starting to get addicted to Quinoa it tastes so good I ran out of some today. I need to go shopping at the Farmers Market or Whole Foods this weekend. That's where I get most of my items to cook except, the vegetables and fruits I get them from Kroger. I notice when I cook my Dirty Quinoa or Spelt Pancakes, I have less urge to want to eat bad stuff. I tried cooking those to compensate with all the vegetables for the time being since I'm not making my smoothies. I was cooking those two things just about everyday and eating just raw fruits like I did today. Oh and Monday, I saw mucus in my stool it looked like thick caramel....
Some of my coworkers are still nosy and others are interested in my Alkaline Vegan Diet. This lady that's African she's such a sweetheart said how good my skin is looking it's so clear and radiant right now.... WOW She said whatever diet you are on I want to use it. She wants to lose weight, but if only she and others knew what I was using it for they have no clue. SO, I xeroxed and printed her and another coworker Dr. Sebi's Nutrional Guide at the job. I told her the key is to be consistent as much as possible and take his herbs.
It's giving me ammunition because I remember Dr. Sebi saying in his lectures to cure HIV you have to remove mucus from the Skin, Lymphatic System, and Blood which makes up the Immune System. So far, this is letting me know that I'm on the right track and healing since my face (Skin) is pretty much crystal clear and I feel pretty good right now.
Today, I called the consultant Norma, (I love her personality) at Dr. Sebi's Cell Food while at work and asked her I know on the pamphlet it says to take your prescription an hour after taking Dr. Seb's product, but wouldn't the prescriptions be considered acid if that's what the herbs are cleaning out. She paused for a moment, and gave me a very witty answer by saying it's according on what medication your'e taking. I told her the antiretroviral medicine, she claims that it's not acid, but I think she just told me that to avoid litigation...
I asked her what are some recipes that I can replace for fried french fries. She said you can fry Zucchini and I told her I love fried Zucchini although it wasn't Sebi approved, I had it on my job. She gave me this website and said cook some Alkaline foods from here (Hope you enjoy my readers!) www.tysconsciouskitchen.com/ Everything is Sebi Approved, I am definitely going to put some of those items to the test they look delicious!! I'm home at the moment and I'm looking through the website, they do have a substitute for potato fries (Alkaline Chickpea fries) Hmm the items on their are interesting they even have (Alkaline Electric Vegan Ribs) which they substitute by using Mushrooms using Alkaline Sauce. I like the fact that they have videos as well. Once I can figure out more of my favorite Alkaline cooking meals this eating healthy would be a breeze for me to cure this disease.....
I don't think I'm going to take the prescription meds again though. I'm still doing some thinking. I'm suppose to be going to Specialist#2 on Jan. 31st for them to prescribe me the meds remember this is the one that told me my viral load was high. Specialist#1 don't know my updated viral load since I told them the meds didn't seem like it wasn't working other than the last time it was 40 copies, but I'm pretty sure it's a little bit higher from that 115,000 copies from Specialist#2 because I wasn't on any treatment.
(Dr. Sebi's Herbal Treatments)
Cooked Dirty Quinoa Recipe
1. Organic Quinoa

2. Green Bell Peppers
3. Onions
4, Zucchini
4. Organic Cooking Grape seed Oil (Non-GMO) (Have a picture of the type I use in my previous blog)
5. Sea Salt (Seasoning)
6. Cayenne Pepper (Seasoning)
7. Basil (Seasoning)
Spelt Pancakes
1. Spelt Flour
2. Deer Park Spring Water
3. Ground Cinnamon
4. Sea Salt (A little flavoring)
5. Organic Blue Agave Syrup (Non-GMO)
(Dr. Sebi's Herbal Treatments)
1. Apple, Avocados, and Red Pear
2. Deer Park Spring Water
Some of my coworkers are still nosy and others are interested in my Alkaline Vegan Diet. This lady that's African she's such a sweetheart said how good my skin is looking it's so clear and radiant right now.... WOW She said whatever diet you are on I want to use it. She wants to lose weight, but if only she and others knew what I was using it for they have no clue. SO, I xeroxed and printed her and another coworker Dr. Sebi's Nutrional Guide at the job. I told her the key is to be consistent as much as possible and take his herbs.
It's giving me ammunition because I remember Dr. Sebi saying in his lectures to cure HIV you have to remove mucus from the Skin, Lymphatic System, and Blood which makes up the Immune System. So far, this is letting me know that I'm on the right track and healing since my face (Skin) is pretty much crystal clear and I feel pretty good right now.
Today, I called the consultant Norma, (I love her personality) at Dr. Sebi's Cell Food while at work and asked her I know on the pamphlet it says to take your prescription an hour after taking Dr. Seb's product, but wouldn't the prescriptions be considered acid if that's what the herbs are cleaning out. She paused for a moment, and gave me a very witty answer by saying it's according on what medication your'e taking. I told her the antiretroviral medicine, she claims that it's not acid, but I think she just told me that to avoid litigation...
I asked her what are some recipes that I can replace for fried french fries. She said you can fry Zucchini and I told her I love fried Zucchini although it wasn't Sebi approved, I had it on my job. She gave me this website and said cook some Alkaline foods from here (Hope you enjoy my readers!) www.tysconsciouskitchen.com/ Everything is Sebi Approved, I am definitely going to put some of those items to the test they look delicious!! I'm home at the moment and I'm looking through the website, they do have a substitute for potato fries (Alkaline Chickpea fries) Hmm the items on their are interesting they even have (Alkaline Electric Vegan Ribs) which they substitute by using Mushrooms using Alkaline Sauce. I like the fact that they have videos as well. Once I can figure out more of my favorite Alkaline cooking meals this eating healthy would be a breeze for me to cure this disease.....
I don't think I'm going to take the prescription meds again though. I'm still doing some thinking. I'm suppose to be going to Specialist#2 on Jan. 31st for them to prescribe me the meds remember this is the one that told me my viral load was high. Specialist#1 don't know my updated viral load since I told them the meds didn't seem like it wasn't working other than the last time it was 40 copies, but I'm pretty sure it's a little bit higher from that 115,000 copies from Specialist#2 because I wasn't on any treatment.
(Dr. Sebi's Herbal Treatments)
Cooked Dirty Quinoa Recipe
1. Organic Quinoa
2. Green Bell Peppers
3. Onions
4, Zucchini
4. Organic Cooking Grape seed Oil (Non-GMO) (Have a picture of the type I use in my previous blog)
5. Sea Salt (Seasoning)
6. Cayenne Pepper (Seasoning)
7. Basil (Seasoning)
Spelt Pancakes
1. Spelt Flour
2. Deer Park Spring Water
3. Ground Cinnamon
4. Sea Salt (A little flavoring)
5. Organic Blue Agave Syrup (Non-GMO)
(Dr. Sebi's Herbal Treatments)
1. Apple, Avocados, and Red Pear
2. Deer Park Spring Water
Monday, January 23, 2017
Dust Myself off and Try Again!
I'm back and I'm coming back full throttle! I must Dust myself off and try again! I did some hardcore thinking at work, in the car, and in my room about my readers and how I must come out on top of this. I can't be selfish.
We ALL NEED HOPE and to see that light at the end of the tunnel
What was said on my last blog was out of frustration, that was just human nature taking it's course and how I felt at the time. I started this journey since August and I've come way too far to give up now.... As I said previously, I'll try to write when I can being that my work schedule so demanding and busy being that I work second shift.
With my situation with Dusting myself off. I thought about the late adorable angel singer Aaliyah when she performed on star search in 1989 when she was just 10 years old. Although she lost the contest, she never gave up and she soared and had a successful career for a short period of time while she was on this earth. Gosh!! I miss her and her music so much I cried like a baby when I heard the news of her early passing from a tragic plane crash at the age of 22, that could have been avoided. "Try Again" by Aaliyah was always one of my favorite song that I would love to sing....
I Can't give up I shall not give up!

About two weeks ago upon finding out that my viral load increased, I went to popping the prescription meds because I didn't have any products from Dr. Sebi at that time. About the third or fourth day I noticed that it seemed like the prescription meds weren't doing anything. So I called specialist #1 and spoke to the nurse and confessed to her that I stopped taking the prescription meds and that the reason why I stopped because the medication was making me eat foolishly like every two hours and I wasn't used to that at all. I asked her could she have the Specialist change my medicine because I think the virus resisted the medication.
She said something slick at the mouth and was like the Doctor can't just change and give you a different medication out of the sky (In my mind I was like excuse me) she made it seem like I was this spoiled brat kid. I was just concerned because I didn't have any kind of treatment or anything to rely or fall back on. So She scheduled my appointment for the next day being that someone cancelled their appointment. So the next day, which was on a Friday I went to the Specialist and encountered some huge problems. Since it is a new year, they requested an updated insurance information. So I called my Dad and lied and told him that I went for a routine doctor check up and did his insurance change since it was the new year.
He said yeah it did. I too have my own insurance at the hospital job as well, however, my insurance card didn't pull any type of weight compared to his. With my insurance I have to pay a deductible which was a total of $1,750 and once I paid that my visits at the specialist would be free. So in order for me to see the specialist I would have to pay $180 each specialist visit if my father's insurance didn't combine with mine. I said out loud to the receptionist you have got to be kidding me! I'm still learning about the process of insurance and stuff because I'm fairly new to it being that I haven't really been stable on a job, know one really took the time to explain to me where I could really understand how that stuff works.
I'm learning everything in life on my own just like I did with finding out how to build my own credit with a secure credit card at the age of 23.
So come to find out my Dad's insurance changed he's with Blue Cross Blue Shield now instead of United Health Care Choice Plus. My insurance is Aetna. I really don't really know how good that insurance really is. But anyhow, my dad did include me on his insurance again this year, however, they haven't mailed his insurance card therefore, I didn't have the member ID number for the receptionist to process it. My dad is in another state from I and we both was calling Blue Cross Blue Shield to get the member ID the call volume was super long. I was in the Doctor's office for two hours.
The people never picked up so I went ahead and paid $180 off of my ATM card that my job gave me that has $500 on it for medical purposes. Now, that I thought about it that explains why I believe I have a deductible because they want you to use that $500 to help pay that some of that $1,750 off.
Hmm interesting, how I figure things out!
So after not being too thrilled paying that much for a doctors visit. I went in the back to see Specialist#1 as I was waiting on him my dad called and said he finally got in contact with Blue Cross Blue shield with his insurance card information for me to pay a lower co-pay. I wrote the information down on a piece of paper. And told him I have to go the doctor is coming in.... So he came in and asked what was the issue. I told him I stopped taking the medication because it was just making me eat abnormally like every two hours.. He said he have never heard of those side effects however, he said it's suppose to make you feel better.
I was playing nonchalant and said I know, but eating every two hours is not normal for me. He said when you mean you stop taking it was it every other day of consecutively you stopped. I said both I stopped completely then resumed trying to take it for a few days. I told him I think my body developed resistant to the medication. He said last time you were her the viral load was 40 and the goal was to get it undetectable, Truth be told, I don't want to ever hear the specialist utter those words undetectable, I want to hear no traces of the virus instead!! With my girl Queen Selah the doctor never really told her that. Until after she was cured, they use the word no traces or undetectable instead because they don't believe in CURE. That's why she said not to stop right there when doctors tell you Undetectable seek other Primary Physicians or specialists.
The specialist said well your weight is stable you haven't lost any weight he acted like he was shocked because after all I did stop taking the medicine for two months despite my increased viral load. He said what is your normal body weight? I said in the mid 140's he asked do you think you had the virus since 2015 that caused you to lose the weight. I said absolutely not. I said I lost weigh due to the amount of stress I went through in 2015. I said this virus never made me lose weight.
So after, I told him that my body possibly developed a resistance to the medication so he had the phlebotomist draw my blood so they can do a genotype testing like the very first visit with my blood to make sure before switching me to a different medication treatment.
After they told me that it could be a few weeks to determine if I need to switch medication. That $180 that I payed was reimbursed before I left because I had my father information. I said to myself I have to do something. So I went ahead and ordered another All Inclusive Package....
I know some of my readers are wondering how in the hell did Phinest25 get so much money to pay for all these All Inclusive. Truth be told, I am just like you guys I used my credit card to pay for those two big packages. I've done a lot of sacrificing with saving, this time I used my actual money without borrowing from my credit card to pay for the $1500. I have done a lot of sacrificing by saving my money. I don't go anywhere I go to work and come straight back home with the exception of the grocery store.
I didn't do anything for Thanksgiving with spending money nor Christmas I didn't buy anything; nothing. Every money I get is going straight towards that package whether it's individual products, $375 package, $575, $750. or $1500. If my tax money doesn't kick in sometime next month I'll go with the $375 package until I can use my tax money to afford another big package until I reverse this disease.
Did I think I wasted my money? Absolutely not.. I came across this quote last week off of Dr. Sebi's page off of Facebook.
I Would spend a million dollar on my health if I have to. I was always health conscious especially when I was in college spending a lot of money on health and beauty products. I know how Dr. Seb's herbs made me feel and I would never exaggerate. It made me feel like I was sitting on top of the galaxy, I just need to be more disciplined with my diet. Right now, I am on Day 6 of eating consistently from the Nutritional Guide. I was going through it with the fasting with the fruits and vegetables, I thought I was going to die. I feel full, but at the same time fatigue my body is reacting much differently compared to the other times. The consultant said its normal to feel that way because your body is being nourished on a cellular level especially since your'e following the nutritional guide.
I know but gosh I be in pain. I think my body was going through withdrawals being that I just stopped cold turkey. I will try my best to follow the guide. Throughout those six days, I have been eating blueberries, apples, pears, avocado. I haven't been making my smoothies yet.
I cooked some Quinoa, onions, bell peppers, and Zucchni with basil seasoning Cayenne Pepper and Sea Salt on yesterday in some GrapeSeed Oil. It tasted so good!
There are several reason why I need to come out on top of this:
1. I'm getting tired of going to these specialist
2. I am turning 26 years old this year and I'll be off my father insurance very soon
3. Queen Selah wrote me last month on my blog and said she needs me to come out on top of this and to keep writing (She means Actually being another Sebian writing a blog detailing their journey being cured of HIV) because no other has done so as of yet except she and I. She said that would seal the final deal where no one can question the Validity that his herbs don't work, two blogs/as well as comments from readers if they're cured definitely serves as enough proof. Despite the 77 people from the Court house that Dr. Sebi Cured.
4. I just can't see myself living with this disease for the rest of my life. I'm just too young plus I'm pretty stagnant when it comes to my life. I really don't have the drive to do anything.
I must keep the faith and keep on pushing.
P.S. These are some nice quotes off of Dr. Sebi Cell Food Facebook Website. I'm going to use some of them for my future blogs.
We ALL NEED HOPE and to see that light at the end of the tunnel
What was said on my last blog was out of frustration, that was just human nature taking it's course and how I felt at the time. I started this journey since August and I've come way too far to give up now.... As I said previously, I'll try to write when I can being that my work schedule so demanding and busy being that I work second shift.
With my situation with Dusting myself off. I thought about the late adorable angel singer Aaliyah when she performed on star search in 1989 when she was just 10 years old. Although she lost the contest, she never gave up and she soared and had a successful career for a short period of time while she was on this earth. Gosh!! I miss her and her music so much I cried like a baby when I heard the news of her early passing from a tragic plane crash at the age of 22, that could have been avoided. "Try Again" by Aaliyah was always one of my favorite song that I would love to sing....
I Can't give up I shall not give up!

About two weeks ago upon finding out that my viral load increased, I went to popping the prescription meds because I didn't have any products from Dr. Sebi at that time. About the third or fourth day I noticed that it seemed like the prescription meds weren't doing anything. So I called specialist #1 and spoke to the nurse and confessed to her that I stopped taking the prescription meds and that the reason why I stopped because the medication was making me eat foolishly like every two hours and I wasn't used to that at all. I asked her could she have the Specialist change my medicine because I think the virus resisted the medication.
She said something slick at the mouth and was like the Doctor can't just change and give you a different medication out of the sky (In my mind I was like excuse me) she made it seem like I was this spoiled brat kid. I was just concerned because I didn't have any kind of treatment or anything to rely or fall back on. So She scheduled my appointment for the next day being that someone cancelled their appointment. So the next day, which was on a Friday I went to the Specialist and encountered some huge problems. Since it is a new year, they requested an updated insurance information. So I called my Dad and lied and told him that I went for a routine doctor check up and did his insurance change since it was the new year.
He said yeah it did. I too have my own insurance at the hospital job as well, however, my insurance card didn't pull any type of weight compared to his. With my insurance I have to pay a deductible which was a total of $1,750 and once I paid that my visits at the specialist would be free. So in order for me to see the specialist I would have to pay $180 each specialist visit if my father's insurance didn't combine with mine. I said out loud to the receptionist you have got to be kidding me! I'm still learning about the process of insurance and stuff because I'm fairly new to it being that I haven't really been stable on a job, know one really took the time to explain to me where I could really understand how that stuff works.
I'm learning everything in life on my own just like I did with finding out how to build my own credit with a secure credit card at the age of 23.
So come to find out my Dad's insurance changed he's with Blue Cross Blue Shield now instead of United Health Care Choice Plus. My insurance is Aetna. I really don't really know how good that insurance really is. But anyhow, my dad did include me on his insurance again this year, however, they haven't mailed his insurance card therefore, I didn't have the member ID number for the receptionist to process it. My dad is in another state from I and we both was calling Blue Cross Blue Shield to get the member ID the call volume was super long. I was in the Doctor's office for two hours.
The people never picked up so I went ahead and paid $180 off of my ATM card that my job gave me that has $500 on it for medical purposes. Now, that I thought about it that explains why I believe I have a deductible because they want you to use that $500 to help pay that some of that $1,750 off.
Hmm interesting, how I figure things out!
So after not being too thrilled paying that much for a doctors visit. I went in the back to see Specialist#1 as I was waiting on him my dad called and said he finally got in contact with Blue Cross Blue shield with his insurance card information for me to pay a lower co-pay. I wrote the information down on a piece of paper. And told him I have to go the doctor is coming in.... So he came in and asked what was the issue. I told him I stopped taking the medication because it was just making me eat abnormally like every two hours.. He said he have never heard of those side effects however, he said it's suppose to make you feel better.
I was playing nonchalant and said I know, but eating every two hours is not normal for me. He said when you mean you stop taking it was it every other day of consecutively you stopped. I said both I stopped completely then resumed trying to take it for a few days. I told him I think my body developed resistant to the medication. He said last time you were her the viral load was 40 and the goal was to get it undetectable, Truth be told, I don't want to ever hear the specialist utter those words undetectable, I want to hear no traces of the virus instead!! With my girl Queen Selah the doctor never really told her that. Until after she was cured, they use the word no traces or undetectable instead because they don't believe in CURE. That's why she said not to stop right there when doctors tell you Undetectable seek other Primary Physicians or specialists.
The specialist said well your weight is stable you haven't lost any weight he acted like he was shocked because after all I did stop taking the medicine for two months despite my increased viral load. He said what is your normal body weight? I said in the mid 140's he asked do you think you had the virus since 2015 that caused you to lose the weight. I said absolutely not. I said I lost weigh due to the amount of stress I went through in 2015. I said this virus never made me lose weight.
So after, I told him that my body possibly developed a resistance to the medication so he had the phlebotomist draw my blood so they can do a genotype testing like the very first visit with my blood to make sure before switching me to a different medication treatment.
After they told me that it could be a few weeks to determine if I need to switch medication. That $180 that I payed was reimbursed before I left because I had my father information. I said to myself I have to do something. So I went ahead and ordered another All Inclusive Package....
I know some of my readers are wondering how in the hell did Phinest25 get so much money to pay for all these All Inclusive. Truth be told, I am just like you guys I used my credit card to pay for those two big packages. I've done a lot of sacrificing with saving, this time I used my actual money without borrowing from my credit card to pay for the $1500. I have done a lot of sacrificing by saving my money. I don't go anywhere I go to work and come straight back home with the exception of the grocery store.
I didn't do anything for Thanksgiving with spending money nor Christmas I didn't buy anything; nothing. Every money I get is going straight towards that package whether it's individual products, $375 package, $575, $750. or $1500. If my tax money doesn't kick in sometime next month I'll go with the $375 package until I can use my tax money to afford another big package until I reverse this disease.
Did I think I wasted my money? Absolutely not.. I came across this quote last week off of Dr. Sebi's page off of Facebook.
I Would spend a million dollar on my health if I have to. I was always health conscious especially when I was in college spending a lot of money on health and beauty products. I know how Dr. Seb's herbs made me feel and I would never exaggerate. It made me feel like I was sitting on top of the galaxy, I just need to be more disciplined with my diet. Right now, I am on Day 6 of eating consistently from the Nutritional Guide. I was going through it with the fasting with the fruits and vegetables, I thought I was going to die. I feel full, but at the same time fatigue my body is reacting much differently compared to the other times. The consultant said its normal to feel that way because your body is being nourished on a cellular level especially since your'e following the nutritional guide.
I know but gosh I be in pain. I think my body was going through withdrawals being that I just stopped cold turkey. I will try my best to follow the guide. Throughout those six days, I have been eating blueberries, apples, pears, avocado. I haven't been making my smoothies yet.
I cooked some Quinoa, onions, bell peppers, and Zucchni with basil seasoning Cayenne Pepper and Sea Salt on yesterday in some GrapeSeed Oil. It tasted so good!
There are several reason why I need to come out on top of this:
1. I'm getting tired of going to these specialist
2. I am turning 26 years old this year and I'll be off my father insurance very soon
3. Queen Selah wrote me last month on my blog and said she needs me to come out on top of this and to keep writing (She means Actually being another Sebian writing a blog detailing their journey being cured of HIV) because no other has done so as of yet except she and I. She said that would seal the final deal where no one can question the Validity that his herbs don't work, two blogs/as well as comments from readers if they're cured definitely serves as enough proof. Despite the 77 people from the Court house that Dr. Sebi Cured.
4. I just can't see myself living with this disease for the rest of my life. I'm just too young plus I'm pretty stagnant when it comes to my life. I really don't have the drive to do anything.
I must keep the faith and keep on pushing.
P.S. These are some nice quotes off of Dr. Sebi Cell Food Facebook Website. I'm going to use some of them for my future blogs.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Not Cured yet!
I am completely devastated right now. I called the primary doctor today at least four times for my std panel they still didn't have my blood work completed which I don't want to know now. However, they did have my Urine Specimen lab done. They said it was a discrepancy. Which tells me yes indeed, the Specialist#2 doctors appointment I went to almost 2 weeks ago was positive instead of indeterminate for Chlamydia. Why am I just finding this out? Why wasn't I told this when I first was diagnosed almost 5 months ago. When, I had all of these blood work labs done. I haven't been sexually active for 6 months. You have got to be kidding me!!!
I then called Specialist#2 doctors office twice before starting work and to no avail, I did not get through to them. SO I left them a voice message, saying that I am still inquiring about my Viral Load and CD4 count and if you are trying to reach me I'll be at work. Just leave me a message. So, when I went on my lunch break I listened to the voice message recording that the specialist left. From what I heard she said my CD4 count was 477 and my viral load was 115,000. My CD4 count dropped 48 units from two months ago. I am just so tired.
I am afraid of getting AIDS!! To my readers DR. SEBI's herbs do Work I still have strong faith in it because it made me feel great when I was taking it. It's just that I wasn't 100% discipline lately because everything that was going on between the job and finally founding out the person that infected me caused my diet to dramatically change...
I've decided that I am going to take this damn Prescription meds to knock down this high ass viral load and follow Dr. SEBI's methods with the herbs until there's no traces of the virus in my system. I don't want SPECIALIST#1 asking me a thousand questions of how I went from 40 viral load to 115,000. That is a big jump. The only challenge is that the HIV meds have me consistently eat too much abnormally causing me to eat the wrong foods, but I just have to fight it. I am going to order Another Therapeutic package, I don't know which one yet until its time for me to go to SPECIALIST#1 in February.
I think I am going to take a break from writing for awhile, as much as I want to give up, I can't I have to get my mind together and to stay 100% focus for this new year and for the next update of this doctors appointment. in February, until then Sayonara!!
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