Monday, July 31, 2017

Day#119 (Story Time!)

Today was a pretty great day, I ate some Apples, took the herbal compounds, and drunk a lot of Spring water. I'm telling you how hot this weather is outside, you better stay hydrated or you will faint and be dehydrated. I believe the weather is even taking a toll on peoples vehicles because on yesterday, on the way coming home, I seen the rubber off the tire of an SUV coming off and they immediately pulled quickly into the gas station. Even with peoples car batteries, I had to get a new car battery two months ago, and now yesterday my sister had to get a new car battery for her vehicle. Speaking of car batteries, have you ever wonder why when the car battery is eroded the option I was always told was to pour Pepsi or Coke over the battery post because it's filled with acid. 

If it's so filled with tons of acid to clean a battery post that's eroded why are we drinking this stuff? I was never really a soda drinker, that's something I can definitely do without. I mostly drink water and juice, but came across a post in Dr. Sebi's Alkaline Electric Group on Facebook a few days ago, I remember when Pepsi used to have 44 grams of Sugar growing up now it's 58 grams of sugars yall see how they do? Then it says partially produced with Genetic Engineering meaning made in a laboratory which is definitely unnaturally. The FDA have all of these ingredients as you can see on the bottle that make it taste so good to keep you addicted and coming back for more. To me this is no worse than someone that is on hardcore drugs because people definitely go insane when they don't have caffeine in their system. 

To me if you have somebody in your family that have diabetes and drinking this, they are asking for suicide. 

 I also think the weather plays a big role on peoples behavior when it's hot because they become so irritable. Speaking of that, one of my coworkers have been telling me for a couple of months that her sister and her Fiance have been having bachelorette parties in different states one in California, Georgia, Las Vegas, and Last, but no least Florida. She went to all of them. Let me tell you something, that Last trip to Daytona Beach, Florida which was yesterday she said was the craziest shit that she and her sister experienced. She said everything in Florida was peaches and cream they went to the beach (Check) turned up and had a good time (Check) and then Road Rage (Negative). 

She said she and her sister decided to go to this small rural town in Rosewood, Florida because they are real big on history and stuff. Back in the 1920's it was a massacre that occurred in that particular city because some black man was accused of raping this white woman. She said that city is pretty much a ghost town where no one really goes to and travel and they don't have great phone reception. As they were traveling this rural country road in broad daylight around 6pm she said a white man zoomed by almost hitting them off the road and they didn't think anything of it at first so they swept it under the rug. I asked her how fast was he going? She said about 120 mph speed. I said oh goosh! She said they made a pit stop to the gas because her sister had to use the restroom. 

As they got back in the car, to travel to come back home, history repeated itself again like the Muthafukin 1920's. She said out of No Where this time, the white man must have waited and made a U-Turn and came back full throttle and try to run them off the road again, and this time he lost control of the truck and it was out of mind out of site it flipped. When she told me this it brought me back to 2015 on Christmas Day when I was in that near fatal car accident and flipped 5x and what's so crazy about it the lady hit us off the road left us for dead and she had kids in her vehicle smh, I tell you people are too crazy ... She said they didn't go to the accident scene, which I don't blame them who would after someone tried to take your life, however they called the cops and it took them awhile to come to the scene...they never seen the man face, but was told the white man was pronounced dead! I told my coworker oh wow that is crazy glad yall made it through and this happened just yesterday.

The point I'm trying to make is You see how wicked people in this world can be? People just don't have any regards for human life, let alone their own life. Him being racist and a complete fool cost him his life. You see this is where I think a Man would have played a big role. I truly think if my coworker and her sister had a man riding with them the less chances of that white man taunting them on the road would have been less likely. People take advantage especially men, when they see females, or a female driving, even alone at home they feel that they can't defend themselves. It's crazy that my coworker told me this because my sister was just talking last week about getting a gun when traveling on the road and I just listened, truth be told, all females need to carry a gun in general when they travel or at home by themselves for real take shooting gun range course, or self defense classes or something to help eliminate these shenanigans because even if they just pulled out the gun for a split second when that man tried to run them off the road the first time, it would have been less chances of that happening in the first place.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day#114 (TEA, TEA, TEA!)


TO all of my readers beware of this nonsense below when you come across these fraudulent spams of witch doctors on my blog or for those that have one themselves especially if you stop writing for a while or when your blog begins to become more popular claiming to cured these different diseases such as Herpes and HIV. You guys see how they do?? trying to psych and trick the sick because many people are desperate to cure themselves and some people fall victim to these things...I talked about Acyclovir, when I was taking that prescription for Herpes Simplex 1 and now they mention these things in spams. I honestly think that if I never talked about HIV and HERPES they wouldn't have mention these things. I wonder if I can contact the administrator of this blog website to stop these things. That BULLSHIT Below is the ultimate noo and don't be so Naive and fall victim to this please and thank you. Even if you receive phone calls from telemarketers claiming to do these things, or that you won a bunch of money don't believe it...

Are you paying $189 a week for Valtrex or $67 for Acyclovir to suppress your outbreaks? Have you considered your yearly prescription costs for these drugs, $2000+ a year! Anyone who has herpes can attest to the painful and embarrassing symptoms. Unfortunately, many find that doctor recommended products are frequently not effective at taking care of the problem.DR OHIKHOBO herbal remedy will get to the root of the cause and cure you completely rather than suppress outbreaks with medication. and leave you happier, healthier, and outbreak FREE!.let my tell you all how i was cured completely from first i never believed i could be cure considering all type of of medication i have been using but it all came like dream come true for me that i was able to be cured by DR OHIKHOBO herbal i speak now I have no more outbreaks,.It could change your DR OHIKHOBO at or you can reach him through his whatssap at +2348103601042 

A few days ago, I was a little upset because I noticed almost all of my Lupulo, from Dr. Sebi's Therapeutic Package got wasted in the bag that I was carrying the other products at work, when I didn't have time to take them in the morning at home. But on another note, today was a pretty great day overall. I found myself in a pretty good mood skipping at work WTF lol. Although I haven't been writing for several days, I am still following the Nutritional Guide consistently with Juicing the vegetables and eating the fruits solid and having bowel movements as usual. I was doing some thinking for several days about doing a 3 day fast or possibly longer than that I'm not sure yet. The Dr. Sebi Electric Alkaline group that I joined on Facebook, it was a guy that I requested on Facebook around the same time I joined the group that doesn't live too far from me in the same state that I live. He and his wife have an Electric Fitness exercise that they usually host just about every weekend or every other weekend, but I have been lazy and don't want to get out of the bed because I love to sleep.

Well, at the present moment the Dr. Sebi Alkaline lifestyle have changed him for the good, he's very athletic right now and he stands at a height about 6"6 I believe and he plays basketball. Once upon a time, he couldn't do any of those things because he was overweight and the doctors told him that he could no longer do the things he used to do when he was in college. He had arthritis in his joints when he used to eat the acidic foods and he said on Facebook being Naive and ignorant to lack of knowledge he believed what the doctors told him, until he came across Dr. Sebi. He lost over a total of 100 pounds and now he looks darn good. It's amazing how losing weight, can define your looks he was always a handsome guy when he was heavyset, but now he just looks highly alkaline his skin is so radiant, I mean he looks sooo healthy. He has been fasting for the past few weeks with the items off of the Nutritional and this week starting today the 26-July-28 July he has another challenge this time eating this items off of the Nutritional Guide and taking the herbs. I have to at least attempt whether I pass or fail to regenerate my Immune System. I remember when, I came across an article a few months ago that someone posted, and I believe I posted it on one of my older blog posts can't remember, off of Dr. Sebi's Alkaline Group that says it takes approximately 3 days minimum for your Immune System to begin regenerating when you fast because it recycles old cells and replenishes and starts new ones. This is the post below that he posted
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I remember when Dr. Sebi fasted for approximately 90 days by a Mexican herbalist, When he was impotent, had diabetes, schizophrenic, and had asthma all of those things subsided. He said about the 21-25 days all the fat and mucus began draining from his penis and his whole body as a whole because he was a big man. The way that I'm feeling right now, and how jolly I was this morning, if I can at least fast for 30-90 days like that, I know for a fact that I can be cured next month in August which would make it exactly a year that I found out about my diagnosis August 26th.

Last week, Michael text me and told me to juice both green veggies and fruits together to make a powerful combination and recently he told me to also incorporate Mushrooms when juicing as well although he didn't really specify why he said it's very beneficial. He said on the days that I mess up and don't follow the Nutritional Guide 100% to drink plenty of Spring water to flush all of the toxins from the bad foods that way the virus won't replicate rapidly. I told him I said Queen Selah told me that same thing recently (on my blog) which I never specify to him where and he admit this time that's where he got it from. So this is telling me that he maybe reading my blog, if so good...because I don't sugarcoat anything. I told him as well as one of my readers the few days that I do mess up, I still stay vegan as opposed to Alkaline Vegan meaning still not consuming any meats or as Dr. Sebi called it "blood" it would be mostly like fries and cakes, but I have that under control and he said great keep pushing. He also told me  thanks and that he appreciates that I responded back to him because many others haven't been responding to him lately and taking the information that he told them about curing themselves and leaving him in the dust. I told him, I have my moments as well when I don't respond back when he texts and it's not just him, but many others including friends and family which I talked about last month that I have been ignoring. That's just me I just get irritated at times, but regardless, any valuable piece of information that someone has told me, I give credit where credit is due I've always been that way and he said Ok.

At 8:39 pm today, he sent me this through text message hope this helps you guys with the time and when to eat according to your body if you don't do the fast.

Yall thought I forgot huh, No No, No, I haven't forgot anything. I have some highly Alkaline tea for yall and right now it's steady boiling in The Tea Kettle and Chilllee.....TUH..I'm waiting until it's just right....for us to drink...sometime in August....

I have so many topics to talk about on my blog for days lol, that I have to start jotting down on a piece of paper to talk about, whenever I have enough energy to type all of these things. So I wouldn't forget some, but I'm telling you Gals and some Guys right now (in my southern voice) the most masculine men that you think are straight  that walk like a man, talk like a man, that America has this perception that Portray most feminine gay men on tv realistically speaking are only tidbits that are just far from the truth it's more to that they don't want to dig deeper because the most masculine down low ones are the Gayest of Them All... And I'm telling the TRUTH!! I mean coming home to you ready to do the penetrating by laying down and having sex, but behind closed doors, I mean tooting their asses up in the air like some ballerina, getting creative and sticking tooth brushes up their asses, YESS Tooth brushes for pleasure instead of Dildos for cover up and all sorts of things to give you guys a brief synopsis. Based upon what I seen on the dating/hookup apps, and this group that I joined on Facebook where this guy exposes down low men that I'll tell later that I joined for $10 that was on sale at the time that is actually $20 to get in. I don't want to turn my blog into a pornography site and create so much trafficking, but if I have to post a video link for you guys to see with your own eyes with what these down low bisexual men are doing with other gay guys and trannies behind closed doors and denying and lying about it, I will under your viewer discretion that I downloaded to my hard drive on my computer as proof.

Now I must carry on...

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day#106 (Veggies & Fruits)

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These are some of the items that I picked up from the Farmers Market last week that's a good start to juice, sauteed, and eat solid raw. Michael also message me out of the blue today and gave me some more tips that I'll share later on. I'm still taking heed from him, but at the same time still keeping my distance at least until I'm cured. My viral Load was low the last time, I went to the Specialist. Next time, I want to hear the specialist say that there's no viral load at all, and even when they do tell me that I'm still going to eat Alkaline and order Dr. Sebi's Therapeutic Package to make sure it doesn't come back for good to be on the safe side.

Fruits from Farmers Market

Golden Berries

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Golden Apples

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Burrow Bananas & Baby Bananas

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Key Limes
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Yellow Mangoes

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Vegetables from Farmers Market

Turnips Green

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Roma Tomatoes

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Yellow Squash
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Yellow & Orange Bell Pepper
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Baby Portobello Mushrooms

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